Passionate and inventive. Always Agile Thinking and Agile Developing.

Now build and develop based on Google Cloud Platform. Major in Native Cloud, Serverless Computing(Cloud run, Cloud function, App engine), AI and Machine Learning(Google AutoML, TensorFlow, OpenCV, Raspberry Pi). WebApp(node.js, Vue.js, Firebase),

Build a lot of small tools and systems with Google Apps Script, AppSheet to power up every day’s work.

Although I've just started to AI, Bigdata and Machine learning, I'd like to focus in this direction in the future and become a project leader or manager. I want to work for a company that encourages open minded discussion, with flexible work style and active corporate culture.

15 years of design and development experience and 6 years of project management experience in Linux, C, C++, JavaScript, Python, Perl, PHP, Objective-C, Go.

Work experience

July 2020 - PRESENT

Tiger Global

IT consultant, Technical Solutions Engineer

June 2015 - June 2020

Okinawa Scuba


Feb 2010 - Mar 2015

1Q84 Design Studio

Partner, iOS App Developer

Feb 2006 - Jan 2010

Fuji Xerox Shanghai R&D Centre

Project Leader, Software Engineer

Mar 2000 - Jan 2006

New Touch Software

Project Manager, Project Leader, Software Engineer


Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai — Dropping Out